
I’m walking to the post office and I pass this guy who is walking in the same direction, albeit slower.

“Fuck you!”, he says.

I do a double take wondering if I heard him correctly.   I look at him and he says it again.

“I deserve a fuck you just for walking by on the road?”, I ask.

“Yeah, fuck you.  I can say whatever I want.  Leave me alone.”

I turn my back to him and walk away.   Inside, a lighter clicks, igniting the dry kindling of my rage.  About a hundred yards down the road the flames have grown into a respectable fire.

I feel like turning around and fighting him.

I don’t know if it’s still true, but in this state, those words are considered fighting words.  So if he thinks he can say anything he wants, he should be prepared for repercussions.

I tell myself that he’s probably missing a few marbles and that he doesn’t deserve me punching him in the face.  Any rational person wouldn’t have uttered an unprovoked fuck you.

From inside the post office I see him standing in front of the entrance with a deer in the headlights look on his face.  Yeah definitely nuts.  As I walk through the exit, I bite my tongue to keep from engaging him further, the fire of rage still burning strong.  I’m focused on his face as I walk past, but he is oblivious.

By the time I’m half way home, the fire is out.

Of all of the animals I’ve encountered, humans are definitely the craziest and the least trustworthy.

4 thoughts on “Rage

  1. “Of all of the animals I’ve encountered, humans are definitely the craziest and the least trustworthy…”

    Oh, you’ve heard/read me say something similar to that enough times…

    Glad you kept your cool.

  2. Yeah, this comes up CONSTANTLY in SF and Berkeley.

    They people who yell things like that are easy for me to ignore because they’re obviously nutters. The ones who throw me off are the ones who say something completely normal because I’ll accidentally respond and then it can get weird.

    I have a pretty big filter now-a-days for “Do Not Engage”.

    • If it came up constantly, I’d have a good filter. But up here in this small mountain town, it’s very unusual. Everybody says hi or nods when you pass them on the road, so rather than having a shield up, you’re open. The other good thing about being in a small town, is I now know this guy and I’ll probably see him again, so I know what to expect next time.

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