What to do with ourselves?

An interesting editorial over at Investors Business Daily:  Despite Growth, Still Not Enough Jobs

Unfortunately, at the end, the editorial bashes the president without offering solutions, which is tiresome. The other party has no answers either.  (I am not affiliated with either party.)

I think the country is undergoing a fundamental shift in what it can provide in terms of jobs. Many jobs have gone overseas, never to return. The population continues to grow as well. Almost nothing is made in the USA anymore, and I keep trying to figure out what’s going to fill that void in terms of jobs.  It’s a huge void.

Many readers may not know that in the 1940’s and 1950’s, we made everything.  In the 1970’s much of our manufacturing moved over to Japan.  Now it’s China.

My career is directly linked to manufacturing and it’s going away. Even the engineering is farmed out overseas as evidenced from various engineering forums I’m on where native English speakers are a minority. That pretty much leaves the service industry, healthcare and construction as the only fields where jobs can still be had.

Those are the fields that support a country that does nothing.

2 thoughts on “What to do with ourselves?

  1. Sam is an engineer, and was just talking about how busy they are, but can’t find enough people to hire. Might be in part, the result of more design work going off-shore.

    • I was hoping to be much busier this spring, but so far everything is getting pushed back to summer. And summer is when I wish I wasn’t busy so I can enjoy it.

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