Americana Redux

I took a short road trip (work related) to the northeast corner of Oklahoma, via central Kansas.  I started a blog post about it a week ago, but the words never came in an orderly fashion.  There is stuff to say about the trip, but each item I wanted to touch on seem to grow into an unmanageable  diatribe.

I’ll just make some bullet points and post some photos.

  • The drive on I-70, between Denver and Salina, is excruciatingly boring.  Aside from some wind farms, the scenery is the same for eight hours.
  • The Interstate was constructed on a very long sloping ridge, so that the horizon drops off quickly and you can only see the landscape few miles in any direction before it became sky.
  • Northeast Oklahoma is a lot like Missouri, which is right next door.  A lot of trees and humidity.
  • A lot of people have pictures of Jesus on the corner of their farms.
  • A lot of people have anti-abortion signs on the corner of their farms.
  • A lot of people were spraying chemicals on their crops in the evening.
  • Fireflies continued to glow after they splattered against my windshield.


Grand Lake of the Cherokee Dam

Grand Lake O the Cherokees Dam, Oklahoma


Flood gates releasing water

Flood gates releasing water


Pinball machine in shed, NE Oklahoma.  It's ruined inside and out.

Pinball machine in shed, NE Oklahoma. It’s ruined inside and out.





2 thoughts on “Americana Redux

  1. Too bad about the pinball machine. I remember those bits of Americana on my trip back out to North Carolina. Nothing I’d want to stick around for.

    • The pinball machine was offered to me. But when I saw that mice were living in it, I decided to pass. Plus, there was a hold in the roof over the front part of the machine and it was rusting out.

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