First Snow

It seems like it was just yesterday I was walking in autumn colored leaves.

Wait!  It was just yesterday, just before the sun set.

Not surprising for this time of year, it snowed 4 inches last night and this morning.

The Mountain Bluebirds didn’t seem to mind.

In a couple of months, the temperatures will be colder and the water frozen over.  Meanwhile, this snow will melt within a day or two and we’ll be back to our Indian Summer.

7 thoughts on “First Snow

    • It’s too early for me, too. Fortunately, during this time of year, the snow will melt away pretty quickly. It doesn’t really start sticking around until mid November or so. Yesterday’s snow will be gone by tomorrow if not later today.

    • It’s too early for me, too. Fortunately, during this time of year, the snow will melt away pretty quickly. It doesn’t really start sticking around until mid November or so. Yesterday’s snow will be gone by tomorrow if not later today.

  1. The blue of the bluebird was really striking against the white of the snow. There was a whole flock of them and some had more snow for the backdrop, but the photos weren’t as good as the one I posted.

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