Train Trip Part 2: Califorina Zephyr

I didn’t take many photos on the second day of the Zephyr ride.

We stopped early in Reno, Nevada, where I got off the train and walked a little bit. There wasn’t a lot of time.  There was one health conscious family that jogged up and down the length of the train to get exercise.   There wasn’t much to see at the Reno station.

From Reno we headed up into the Sierra’s of California.  It’s similar to Colorado, but it seemed like the main view out of either side of the train was trees.  There were some exceptions.

Truckee, California from the Dining Car. Did I mention that all meals are included with a sleeper car?


Donner Lake with I-80 at the top.


Western edge of Donner Lake


The I-680 bridge - Benicia to Martinez. The train is on a bridge as well.


I-80 Bridge, Carquinez Bridge near Crockett.


Just in case you didn't know.


My destination and end of the line.


Thirty-three hours later -- it was good to get off the train for a few days.




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