Winter Light

The shortest and coldest days are upon us in the northern hemisphere.


California Zephyr, Dec. 7, 2013

California Zephyr near Pinecliffe, Dec. 7, 2013 (click for larger)


It hasn’t been above freezing for a while now.  To make matters worse, on one of the coldest nights when temperatures were below zero on the Fahrenheit scale, the power went out for about 7 hours.  No heat during that time.

I’m still very busy with work and haven’t had much time for hiking or photos.

I was able to grab a short hike one afternoon this past week.  The temperature was 8, but I was dressed fairly warm.  No one had been on the trail so mine were the only human footprints.  I did note there were quite a few deer tracks and was glad they weren’t all hunted.

After about 30 minutes, I was walking along, lost in my thoughts, as I often am on solo hikes, when I suddenly became aware that I was following the tracks, not of a deer, but of a mountain lion who was going in the same direction I was.


Mountain lion paw print in the snow.

Mountain lion paw print in the snow. This print was about 3.5 to 4 inches wide.


When a mountain lion leaves tracks, the front paw leaves a print and then the back paw steps almost exactly in the same spot, over-printing the front paw print.  So much of the time it’s hard to get a good print because its been stepped on twice.   Because it’s a cat with retractable claws, there is rarely a claw mark, unlike canines and bears.

After studying the track for a few minutes, I opted not to continue following it.  I felt a bit chilled after seeing the size of the paw prints, especially the distance from one print to the next.  That was one big kitty.



Trails and Sourdough

Continental Divide: Devil's Thumb and Jasper Mountain (click to enlarge)

Continental Divide: Devil’s Thumb and Jasper Mountain (click to enlarge)


I got out for a hike today.  After the whining in my last post, I decided to dig my heels in and take some time off this week.


Alien spaceship wave clouds

Alien spaceship wave clouds


Another cool thing happened today.  I received some sourdough cultures I ordered.


San Francisco Sourdough Starter

San Francisco Sourdough Starter


Regular readers may recall I made a lot sourdough bread during last year’s holiday season.   Last year I got the starter from Whole Foods.  But lately their sourdough bread has really gone down in quality, so I didn’t want to use their starter (although I think the quality issues are more related to their procedures).


South African Sourdough Starter

South African Sourdough Starter


Searching around the internet, I came across Sourdoughs International which has a variety of cultures for sale.  So I decided to try a couple.   With my work load, it might be too much for me to use and maintain more than one culture, so I’ll have to choose one to start off with.

Although I use my oven and a candle to proof dough, I think I’m going to build a proofing box with a small electric heat source and a thermostat.  This will allow for longer, unattended proofs, as well as a place to keep my starter when it’s not dormant in the refrigerator.

The cultures are shipped dried.  It will take several days to get it revived. I’ll probably start off with the South African culture because it is based in a whole wheat flour, and that piques my curiosity.

One of these years, I will try and start my own Mountain High Sourdough culture.

Take Me Away

Amtrak #5 heading west this morning.

Amtrak #5 heading west this morning, with a car chasing along.

It’s still difficult to find spare time.  Both businesses are doing well, but that cuts both ways. It’s been stressful. Days off are spent doing chores.

It was a year ago that I hopped on the train and rode it through Colorado, Utah, Nevada, California, Arizona and New Mexico.  Last night I dreamed about hopping on the train and going as far as Reno then heading back.  That idea really appeals to me right now.

It would be so relaxing, because as a captive on a train, there is nothing to do but to eat, sleep, and watch the scenery go by.  Forced passiveness.

Why Reno?  Because it’s 24 hours from Denver.  A day and a night in one direction.

When I woke after the dream, I went online and checked fares for next week. Unfortunately, the fares discourage improvisation. The bedrooms are booked.

I miss hiking and exploring and taking photos.  Now we are entering winter, and with the clocks falling back an hour, short days and darkness.