The Future was Bright

[This was originally written 4 weeks ago.]

Perhaps it’s the time of year, mid-winter, or perhaps it’s because my health hasn’t been 100%, but I’ve been a little melancholy.

I feel isolated from the world and like it less and less as I get older.  I’m not sure what to do about it, or even if anything can be done.

Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Dark – Atomic Ranch


I got the latest O.M.D. album, English Electric.  When I first listened to it, I smiled.  It was as if my previous life in 1981 was still going on without me, and listening to this album was like checking in to see how things are going.  Many of the songs are about how life goes on, we’ve entered the future we envisioned in 1981 and it isn’t what we hoped it would be.  1981 was 33 years ago.  1981 is significant because it is when I first heard of O.M.D. and bought their first album.

It seems like nothing positive that I envisioned about the future has come true.  Yet, most everything negative I could have imagined, mostly originating in the science fiction realm has come to pass.

Jokingly, I could ask “where is my flying car?”  But I never believed we’d have those because they’re called airplanes.


Sunset overhead at Mud Lake.

Sunset overhead at Mud Lake.


But, where is the clean energy future — my hydrogen powered car?  Better transportation systems? Where is world peace?

Instead I live in a country with a war mongering government that is controlled by extremely (too) large corporations, that spies on its citizens.  The surveillance state.  Civilian law enforcement has become militarized and out of control.  And we are still on a diet of fossil fuels.  Corporations pay their workers less, expect them to work longer hours with fewer benefits.  No one gets a raise anymore, yet the stock prices climb.

There is no privacy.  My Apple iSpy smart phone constantly tracks my location and reports it to god knows who.  The corporations keep track of who I communicate with for god knows why.  Every purchase I make is tracked and saved.  I’m just a wallet to them.

Bradley Manning and Edward Snowden risk their lives to reveal what our government is up to, and nobody outside the government really cares.  As long as there is Facebook and Twitter the only important news is me.

I’ve spent the last few months working long days, 6 to 7 days a week.  For a moment I thought I was saving up money. I paid my estimated taxes and learned all that hard work didn’t amount to anything.  Now I’m expected to buy medical insurance with such a high deductible that I’ll never use it.  I’ll be fined if I don’t buy it.

Corporations will get their money no matter what.

The electric utility is raising electric rates because many people have put up solar panels and they can’t make as much money.  The phone company that provides landlines and internet has raised their rates to make up for the customers lost to cellular technology.



The color of the sky turns the snow orange.

Somehow I continue on.

Fake Plastic Trees, Part 3

It lasted three and half years.  Then it broke in half.

Top half of cell tower blew off in windstorm.

Top half of cell tower blew off in windstorm.


The tower initially hosted AT&T in 2010. Verizon added their equipment about a year and half later.  So now the town is without cell service.  My guess is that it will take at least a month to get it 100% operational again.  It probably could be done sooner, but I’m guessing the corporations will have to work out some bureaucratic issues.  I question whether they should fix this thing or replace it with a stronger tower.

Edited to add: Today they put up some temporary antennas.  Pretty good service from a large corporation on New Year’s Eve!


Top portion of antenna bay lying on the ground.  It looks like the tower severed at one of the seams.

Top portion of antenna bay lying on the ground with it’s fake pine branches. It looks like the tower severed at one of the seams.


For now it’s back to landline here at home.

Fake Plastic Trees, Part 1
Fake Plastic Trees, Part 2


Winter Light

The shortest and coldest days are upon us in the northern hemisphere.


California Zephyr, Dec. 7, 2013

California Zephyr near Pinecliffe, Dec. 7, 2013 (click for larger)


It hasn’t been above freezing for a while now.  To make matters worse, on one of the coldest nights when temperatures were below zero on the Fahrenheit scale, the power went out for about 7 hours.  No heat during that time.

I’m still very busy with work and haven’t had much time for hiking or photos.

I was able to grab a short hike one afternoon this past week.  The temperature was 8, but I was dressed fairly warm.  No one had been on the trail so mine were the only human footprints.  I did note there were quite a few deer tracks and was glad they weren’t all hunted.

After about 30 minutes, I was walking along, lost in my thoughts, as I often am on solo hikes, when I suddenly became aware that I was following the tracks, not of a deer, but of a mountain lion who was going in the same direction I was.


Mountain lion paw print in the snow.

Mountain lion paw print in the snow. This print was about 3.5 to 4 inches wide.


When a mountain lion leaves tracks, the front paw leaves a print and then the back paw steps almost exactly in the same spot, over-printing the front paw print.  So much of the time it’s hard to get a good print because its been stepped on twice.   Because it’s a cat with retractable claws, there is rarely a claw mark, unlike canines and bears.

After studying the track for a few minutes, I opted not to continue following it.  I felt a bit chilled after seeing the size of the paw prints, especially the distance from one print to the next.  That was one big kitty.