High Water Levels in Creeks

Right now, with the higher than average temperatures, the snow pack is melting very fast and is causing flooding in the creeks. It has prompted the National Weather Service to issue a Flood Advisory.

It’s interesting looking at the oscillations in creek flow over the course of a day. Below is a graph of the flow rate into Barker Reservoir.

It peaks at about 9 PM each evening.  Assuming that the peak snowmelt happens at 3PM (a wild guess based on the peak temperature), it takes 6 hours for that water to travel the various streams and reach Barker Reservoir.

Further downstream, about 15 miles down Boulder Canyon, the peak flow rate is at about 1 – 3 AM each night.  It’s a little more bumpy looking because North Boulder Creek and Middle Boulder Creek have merged and they probably have slightly different peaks.  Also, normally the dam at Barker would smooth out the bumps, but since the water is spilling over the dam, it isn’t a factor.

And still further downstream, east of Boulder near Walden Ponds, the peak flow rate is about 8 – 9 AM.

So, from snowpack to Walden Ponds, it takes about 18 hours for the water to travel that distance.

And something I learned last year when I nearly got stuck driving across a creek, the highest water level each day may not be when you think it is.

Edited to add:

The city of Boulder was built in a flood plain.  If a hundred-year flood ever happens, it will likely occur in the middle of the night.

Another Beautiful Day in Paradise

It’s gorgeous day up here at elevation 8305 feet. It’s days like this that make winter seem so hard. Like, I don’t ever want to go back and do that again. But during the middle of winter, it doesn’t seem that bad; I exist and find opportunities to enjoy it. I like many aspects of winter. I really do think that winter gives me a better appreciation for days like today. It’s nice to have days in the 70’s, to finally put on a pair of shorts and a t-shirt and not be afraid that some icy air is going to slice through me. Spring is all about building that confidence. Fall is all about breaking that confidence down, putting my guard up.

Last night, I could see the flashes of light from storms that were 50-100 miles away, even though the sky was clear. I love the darkness of night here. I just wish my immediate neighbors would turn off their porch lights that seem to burn 24/7 unnecessarily.

This day and evening will not be squandered.

Hidden message on Pink Floyd’s The Wall

I was cleaning up my hard drive and I came across this excerpt of a message on Pink Floyd’s The Wall.

Old Pink

“Congratulations. You have just discovered the secret message. Send your answer to Old Pink, care of The Funny Farm, Chalford, UK.” Roger Waters is interrupted by a man who says “Roger… Carolyn’s on the phone!”

Depending on where you look, the song is titled “Empty Spaces” (label on side 2 of record) or “What Shall We Do Now?” (liner notes). For whatever reasons, they don’t match.

When I was a kid, I had access to a reversible reel-to-reel tape recorder. I borrowed my friends copy of The Wall, recorded this song onto the tape, and played it a hundred times in reverse. I even ran the audio through a graphic equalizer trying to isolate the message.

“Old Pink” refers to Syd Barrett, who was allegedly committed to the “funny farm” for his mental issues.