Social Media

Eight years ago I ditched social media and closed my accounts. There is nothing I miss about it. I’m relieved of not having to measure myself by the number of “likes” I get. I’m no longer forced to sort through content that is a deceptive mix of advertising. I like having a smaller sphere of social interactions. I’m naturally an introvert anyway.

Eight years ago was an election year, too. In the dozen of U.S. presidents that have reined during my lifetime, has any affected my day-to-day life? Not really. The choosing of a president is armchair quarterbacking. It’s religion. The politics that affect my day-to-day life are local. But it’s difficult to read any media source and escape the contest. It’s such a huge distraction and it goes on and on. Before the last presidential debate I thought, “has anyone not already made up their minds?”

I watched someone taking a “selfie” in front of an aspen grove that was changing color. I noted that the only reason anyone would take a picture of themselves is for their social media “stage”. That’s how I think of social media, trillions of personal sideshows all vying for attention. It’s such a trap.

The first few months away from social media was very difficult. It felt like I was like giving up a part of myself. But what part of me is gone? Maybe a little bit of ego. That’s not a bad thing. I’m not sure how useful ego is. And speaking of ego, the largest one in the world now owns one of the largest social media platforms.

R.I.P. Nissan Xterra

Brand new in September, 2002.

Two hundred twenty thousand, five hundred miles of adventures. Just shy of 20 years.

Without a doubt, the best vehicle I’ve owned. So many 4×4 roads and camping trips. It would be great if I could list all of them. From the great plains to the pacific ocean. Fourteen thousand feet to 100 feet below sea level (there are places in the southern California deserts that are below sea level).

On the afternoon of New Years Eve, the snow had been falling for a couple of hours. I encountered some ice going around a curve in “the canyon” and spun about 90 degrees counter clockwise, now heading downhill sideways, hoping there was no oncoming traffic. When I suddenly regained traction, it took me forward into the canyon wall on the left side of the road. I was probably only going 30 MPH, but the rock wall was unyielding. The impact was hard enough to cause the airbags to deploy (aka explode).

Fortunately, no other vehicles were involved. The moments after the bag explosion were a little surreal. A couple of passerbys stopped to see if I was ok. A fight broke out between two other drivers who had stopped. This seems to reflect the current state of our society in general. Everybody is at each other’s throats. Everybody is on high horses. Everybody knows better than everybody else.

The Xterra was finally towed to the junkyard yesterday, where it will be stripped of everything valuable and what’s left over will smashed and recycled. Not much different from a human life if you’re an organ donor.

Dawn in the Utah desert, May 2021.

The Xterra actually had a name: Atomsk (from the anime FLCL).