The World Today: more backmasking

One of my favorite songs of all time is World Today by Filter, from The Amalgamut album. The song starts off very dark and foreboding but with the lyrics “I like the world today”, like an unsuspecting faun being stalked by a lion. There are a lot of other sounds embedded in the background like Native American chanting; many sounds I can’t identify. It builds into a wall of sound. It sounds great cranked-up and on a good sound system. The lossy mp3 on this site doesn’t do it justice.

Filter – World Today


In this song are a couple of passages with backwards (backmasked) lyrics.

The first passage he (Richard Patrick) sings “what a hell of a price, what a hell of a price” (1:05), which is immediately followed by the backmasked version of the same thing. It’s almost as if he’s pointing to it and saying, “here’s what it sounds like in reverse”.



And here is the same passage in reverse:



It’s a little more clear at the end of the song:



The second passage is towards the end of the song and starts at the 4:00 point:



And in reverse it is:



“I like the world today”

There is nothing surprising in the passages with the reversed lyrics, but since it’s a favorite I thought it would be nice to at least know what they are. 🙂